Saturday, March 7, 2020


Sri Lakshmi was upset on Lord Vishnu for spending more time with Bhoodevi. So she complained to Durvasa and wanted the same colour and beauty of Bhoodevi. When he met Bhoodevi and he was not given due respect. Angered Durvasa cursed Bhoodevi to take the same colour and beauty of Sri Lakshmi. Bhoodevi took penance at this place and found two fish / Makara shaped ear rings. Lord Vishnu who wore the makara earrings to be known as “MakaraNedunKuzhaikathar”. Since Bhoodevi took the form of Lakshmi due to curse of Sage Durvasa, the place is also called as Sri Perai / ThiruPerai.




Lord Varuna is the Lord of Rain. He once stole the wife of Bhragaspathi the Devaguru and was caught by the Brahma Hathi dhosam.

As Lord Shiva had the dharsan of Lord Narayana at the 11 Thirunangur Kshetrams after getting releived from Brahma Hati dhosam, Lord Varuna too came here and got releif from his dhosam.

Once at the Himalayas, a Rishi and his consort were playing in the guise of deer. Indra (deva chieftain), who came there killed the male deer with his Vajrayudha without knowing that the deer are actually a Sage and his wife. As he killed the Rishi he got into ‘Brahmahaththi Dosha’ . As per the advice of Jupiter (one of the navagrahas), Indira came here and prayed to Bhoomibalan and bathed in the Holy water here.He was relieved of the Brahmahaththi dosha. The elated Indira performed a big Pooja. Vishnu appeared and relieved the curse of Yagnasharma who was cursed to become a demon because he had not only failed to respect Vashishtar and his daughter but also used harsh words against them.



Once Vishnu spent the time with Lakshmi on the bank of river, Bhoomadevi became angry as she felt that the Lord disregarded her after his arrival to the earth. So she left the earth and went down to the underworld. As Bhoomadevi went to the Underworld, the earth became dark and dry. The devas went to Vishnu and prayed for restoration of light and life on the earth. Lord Vishnu accompanied by Lakshmi went to the underworld and pacified Bhoomadevi and appeared to everyone with both of the consorts. As the Lord saved the earth(Bhoomi)pacifying Bhoomadevi, He was called Bhoomi balagar.

Friday, March 6, 2020


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